
Friday, January 6, 2012

Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code - Smart Frugal Shopping

The Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code is a voluntary code that most major retailers in Canada follow. It guarantees accurate prices at the checkout scanner.

The policy states: 'If the scanned price of a non-price ticketed item is higher than the shelf price or any other displayed price, the customer is entitled to receive the item free, up to a $10 maximum. When the item has a price tagged, the lowest price applies. When identical items are incorrectly priced, the second one will be sold at the correct price.'

If the item scanned has wrong price at the participating retailer, you will get it for free or $10 off if the item is more than $10. Ensure to ask, it may not be promoted, all that for pointing out the error. Participating stores should have a sticker around the checkout register and entrance doors.

For more information about Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code visit Competition Bureau Canada.